在開發 Mobile Web 時,經常碰到的 iOS 系統上的橡皮筋效果,這個效果搭配上拉刷新,下拉取得資料時,使用者體驗還是挺不錯的,但是實際上,每一個捲軸都擁有這效果,可能會額外造成滑動卡死及不流暢。
對於 ios 原生來說只要一行程式碼,就能關閉彈簧行為,但對 web 來說,則是很麻煩的事。
基於架構現有的手機版架構,所用到 px 都會被postcss工具轉換成 rem ,所以很難算到精準,所以不適合使用 fixed。
if (this.isiOS) { inobounce.enable() }
var isDesktopDebugMode = window.navigator.vendor === 'Google Inc.' var scrolling = style.getPropertyValue('-webkit-overflow-scrolling') === 'touch' || isDesktopDebugMode
/*! iNoBounce - v0.2.1 * https://github.com/lazd/iNoBounce/ * Copyright (c) 2013 Larry Davis <[email protected]>; Licensed BSD */ (function(global) { // Stores the Y position where the touch started var startY = 0 var startX = 0 // Store enabled status var enabled = false var supportsPassiveOption = false try { var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', { get: function() { supportsPassiveOption = true } }) window.addEventListener('test', null, opts) } catch (e) {} var handleTouchmove = function(evt) { // Get the element that was scrolled upon var el = evt.target // Allow zooming var zoom = window.innerWidth / window.document.documentElement.clientWidth if (evt.touches.length > 1 || zoom !== 1) { return } // Check all parent elements for scrollability while (el !== document.body && el !== document) { // Get some style properties var style = window.getComputedStyle(el) if (!style) { // If we've encountered an element we can't compute the style for, get out break } // Ignore range input element if (el.nodeName === 'INPUT' && el.getAttribute('type') === 'range') { return } // chrome 在桌面版模擬 ios webkit-overflow-scrolling 屬性沒有作用 var isDesktopDebugMode = window.navigator.vendor === 'Google Inc.' var scrolling = style.getPropertyValue('-webkit-overflow-scrolling') === 'touch' || isDesktopDebugMode var overflowY = style.getPropertyValue('overflow-y') var scrollableY = overflowY === 'auto' || overflowY === 'scroll' var height = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('height'), 10) var width = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('width'), 10) // Determine if the element should scroll var isScrollableY = scrolling && scrollableY var canScrollY = el.scrollHeight > el.offsetHeight // 能不能滑 var curY = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0].screenY : evt.screenY if (isScrollableY && canScrollY) { // Get the current Y position of the touch // Determine if the user is trying to scroll past the top or bottom // In this case, the window will bounce, so we have to prevent scrolling completely var isAtTop = startY <= curY && el.scrollTop === 0 var isAtBottom = startY >= curY && el.scrollHeight - el.scrollTop === height // Stop a bounce bug when at the bottom or top of the scrollable element if (isAtTop || isAtBottom) { console.log('prevent') evt.preventDefault() } // No need to continue up the DOM, we've done our job return } // 橫向捲動 var overflowX = style.getPropertyValue('overflow-x') var scrollableX = overflowX === 'auto' || overflowX === 'scroll' var isScrollableX = scrolling && scrollableX var canScrollX = el.scrollWidth > el.offsetWidth if (isScrollableX && canScrollX) { // debugger // Get the current X position of the touch var curX = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0].screenX : evt.screenX // Determine if the user is trying to scroll past the top or bottom // In this case, the window will bounce, so we have to prevent scrolling completely var isAtLeft = startX <= curX && el.scrollLeft === 0 var isAtRight = startX >= curX && el.scrollWidth - el.scrollLeft === width // Stop a bounce bug when at the bottom or top of the scrollable element if (isAtLeft || isAtRight) { evt.preventDefault() } // No need to continue up the DOM, we've done our job return } // Test the next parent el = el.parentNode } // Stop the bouncing -- no parents are scrollable evt.preventDefault() } var handleTouchstart = function(evt) { // Store the first Y position of the touch startY = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0].screenY : evt.screenY startX = evt.touches ? evt.touches[0].screenX : evt.screenX } var enable = function() { // Listen to a couple key touch events window.addEventListener( 'touchstart', handleTouchstart, supportsPassiveOption ? { passive: false } : false ) window.addEventListener( 'touchmove', handleTouchmove, supportsPassiveOption ? { passive: false } : false ) enabled = true } var disable = function() { // Stop listening window.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchstart, false) window.removeEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchmove, false) enabled = false } var isEnabled = function() { return enabled } // Enable by default if the browser supports -webkit-overflow-scrolling // Test this by setting the property with JavaScript on an element that exists in the DOM // Then, see if the property is reflected in the computed style var testDiv = document.createElement('div') document.documentElement.appendChild(testDiv) testDiv.style.WebkitOverflowScrolling = 'touch' var scrollSupport = 'getComputedStyle' in window && window.getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-overflow-scrolling'] === 'touch' document.documentElement.removeChild(testDiv) if (scrollSupport) { enable() } // A module to support enabling/disabling iNoBounce var iNoBounce = { enable: enable, disable: disable, isEnabled: isEnabled } if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { // Node.js Support module.exports = iNoBounce } if (typeof global.define === 'function') { // AMD Support (function(define) { define('iNoBounce', [], function() { return iNoBounce }) })(global.define) } else { // Browser support global.iNoBounce = iNoBounce } })(this)
在 Web 看起來是無法完美避免橡皮筋行為,比較好的做法是改 Layout,捲到最上時用 CSS Fixed 住,回彈時,上面有東西擋住 滾動就沒這麼怪。
inobounce js只能解決